Sunday, July 11, 2010

potential Dissertation: An inquiry of the experience of Business for the Applied Arts

   It remains to be seen whether this dissertation topic will be accepted. I’m nearly at the halfway point of my coursework; so I wasn’t shocked to the core. Still, I was surprised yesterday when confronted with needing to gel what I was up to this week!
   This approximates a best effort to that end. I am adding something of two literature maps (note: no literature listed).

An inquiry of the experience of Business for the Applied Arts

• How the resulting experiences are, better or worse (compared to not paired).
• What resulting experiences are more or less efficient / effective?
   - How are the resulting experiences more or less efficient / effective?
• How do the two cultures function when paired (versus not paired); differently, better/worse?
• Are there any benefits or detractors to approaching business experiences from these vocations?
• Who manages and/or is responsible for results, does that shift?
   - Are there shifts elsewhere; time management, autonomy, etc.
            Naturally, defining terms becomes important. This necessarily includes listing all that constitutes the business experience as well as all that is considered an applied art (see illustrations).
            Clicking on the images opens them up for actual reading.


  1. I belive I'm missing, at least, photo and film. Also, the narrowing concession may be entrepreneurship (an all encompassing business component, perfect for university application).

  2. drilling further: business plan ... marketing plan of the business plan. If I had to choose an applied art, however, I'd likely embrace a group (the group inclusive of graphic designers through illustrators).
    Then, how do I articulate this ... is it a question top ask, problem to solve or simply a topic to research?
