Sunday, July 18, 2010

dissertation theory v03 and defining terms

   The degree to which Illustrators / Graphic designers include Business considerations in their training has a direct corollary to the degree to which they are able to thrive in their chosen field.

   I was looking to be less adversarial in the tone, as well as strike more balance and, if possible, be yet still more specific. This seems to accomplish that the best so far.
   So I'm (nearly) on to developing possible surveys when I notice I can no longer keep from paper what I have in my head. Googling was of modest help, I had to create the document. And so this is a first draft to define terms just on that which constitutes and Illustrator / Graphic designer.
   While comments are always encouraged, I tend to say as much when I'm running a highlighter over the notion. This is one of those times.

Positions held by Illustrators / Graphic Designers

   This meld of what is commonly referred to as two distinct professions is not without purpose; and one could justifiably include Cartooning here. While Illustrators may tend to be more directed in their expression in alignment with painting and drawing and Graphic Artists tend to focus more on the abstractions of the visual elements themselves (shape, shade, composition, color, etc.), for purposes of occupation they blur together. Since the 1980’s the inclusion of digital expressions is presumed.
   Sometimes these positions work with other applied artists (animators, video game designers, etc.); though sometimes they’re called upon to do these jobs as well.

category / occupations / brief description of the position
manual versions
spectra comp color proofer Someone who classically works in a “production house” mixing liquid color of various media to match exactly once silkscreened on a given surface (which also varies) once dried.
sign maker A wide variety of configurations, from being a solo paint on window glass artisan to working with a shop that has to address such issues as wind shear and other architectural considerations in a construction.
professional versions
Creative Director Classically a principal in an ad firm who has the responsibility to co-ordinate the right blend of art director and copy writer
Art Director It is not unusual for an art director to include him or herself within their own stable of talent. A “look” is developed. An Art Director is responsible for marrying the right artist with the copy person to address the clients need best.
Illustrator / Graphic Designer The classic position is a freelance position, where one takes in assignments and, through various stages (thumbnails, mock ups / sketches, etc.) develops toward a finished work.
CAD (Architectural, Engineering), Marine, Medical, Scientific, Children's Books, Catalog work Specific, niche versions of the straightforward Illustrator. These occupations were developed along a specific path for a variety of reasons; specificity of understanding (medical), the wealth of those looking to participate (children’s book), etc. Catalog work might involve drawing twenty different watches, for example.
Branding Centered around logo work, this expands to include the related ephemera: stationary, envelopes, letterhead, etc.
In-house (an ad firm or art house) Work varies depending on clients from televised commercial work to menu design (and subsequent interior design) … really, anything.
In-house (other than an art house or ad firm; i.e., a magazine, a corporation, etc.) Depending on the “house” (business) this could mean anything from working as an interior ad agency, to working with an ad firm, to simply developing internally. Its expressions are just as broad; e.g., internally may be restricted to internal design work of charts and graphs, memos, etc. However, this may be as far reaching as creating the skin look for a company motor pool, billboards, television video and so on.
Educator All manner of instruction; pre-K, K-12, secondary, et. al.
Art Therapist Married with the proper background in psychology; an aspect of psychology.
Fashion Fashion Illustration is usually done by Fashion Designers (for which the design of the fashion is the primary expression)

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