Monday, December 27, 2010

Context of successful Business is Professionalism; fundamentals and why [part 02b]

Cover and Thank you Letters

Spend some quality time creating a viable cover letter with the understanding that you will modify it slightly each time you go to send it. Your cover letter needs to look professional, and here we are not as restricted as we were with resumes. There are plenty of templates available for cover letters. A cover letter, and its generic form, should economically highlight what you bring to the table, show respect and welcome a response.

Design in advance your thank you letters. Base these on templates to assure a professional look. Be certain to use these after each interview.

Calling cards

Differing cultures have differing needs when it comes to calling cards. In particular, throughout Asia, someone's calling card is analogous to the person himself or herself and as such needs handling with the utmost respect. Received with both hands, take a moment to review and retire the card to a special receptacle or pocket above the waist. In some instances, such as China, the color used on the calling card is important as well (yellow/gold, red and/or black).

If you are going out of country it is considerate to have a translation of the front of the card appear on the back of the card.

For US purposes a calling card can be about as creative as you wish. The one cautionary here would be to have them professionally printed.

Interviewing skills

This mentioning is an acknowledgment only. Interviewing skills are a developed life skill in their own right, for which there are numerous books on the subject. Current fashion seems to be with the works of Martin Yates.

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