Tuesday, March 8, 2011

11 Marketing P s & taking Argosy Online in Indonesia [3of3]


Extensively well documented is another classic marketing “P”, the product itself, a service. Introductory marketing strategies for this service have been the primary focus of these previous writings.


The writer again thanks his colleague, Mr. Garzaniti, for yet another “P” of marketing that has thus far eluded him (Garzaniti, 2/23/2011 8:01:39 PM). There seem two approaches to proliferation as a marketing ”P”, one would likely have to do with word-of-mouth (however this is addressed elsewhere) and the other would have to do with access (whether multiple brick and mortar storefronts, or, in our case, the internet; also addressed elsewhere). In either case, proliferation seems among the weakest of the extended marketing “P’s” as redundant. Consequently, this passage is effectively complete as it is.


Our final marketing “P” (in alpha order) is another of the original four marketing “P’s”.

Forms of advertising pursued: endorsements, user trials, posters and strategic alliances as having introductory marketing value. Dismissed were direct mailings, gifts, online pop-ups, competitions, e-mail blasts and the like for their anti-contribution to the cachet of the brand we are seeking to establish. Six to nine months in, a secondary campaign can be seen going forward with discrete print and banner ads associated with publications and sites consistent with both our brand and our demographic.


Erring on the side of caution, the writer has put the Argosy University online version Indonesia through the rinse cycle (as it were) of every possible marketing “P” collected thus far. Given the universal truth that everything, which is truly authentic, stands up to questioning, it appears that the Indonesian online version would dry out on the line just fine.


Chowdry, D., Prof. (2007, September 17). 4 marketing P’s; Marketing Mix 7 p’s - Everything You Need To Know [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://4marketingps.blogspot.com/2009/09/marketing-mix-7-ps-what-are-7-ps-of.html

Comm, J. (2009). Twitter Power 2.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time. Hoboken, NJ 07030: John Wiley & Sons.

Executive Planet. (2010). Retrieved August 20, 2010, from http://www.executiveplanet.com/index.php?title=Main_Page

Garzaniti , J. (2/23/2011 8:01:39 PM). RE: M7 A1 . Retrieved from http://myeclassonline.com/re/DotNextLaunch.asp?courseid=4784110&userid=6665306&sessionid=4db03ef5c5&tabid=+VGS/AICMKwO/q8E2O3liV8lxG2XGP8rLzQd9EZNlQjkqElUcsN/Il5YT+CUoiHtoV/tgJVTar42lR+/ZnV8MCovjB5klLNWVOOQ/ujgTMqk4pzqbAgE5bUq1LaemxAq/w3a/kLlhPgaUWJHNhwjew==&macid=vMC664cUyuhamomeBXeRiYCRjzNw6a5pvm/pws8+VtOqEPHxBLKWN623hZgr5IgrIpfvYPw7TlXQZM5ZkocFydrHbXhjcEr2IwvEGnDZrnOTnQ33IEQ8naeyoMffNg2N43AuowdOQRso8wYhjGx/Qlmsi1ZbNJ3po+lhDHUmwwi6XyQgcVDtqLGXGU2uTkeuXwqfHPmiemkS3cqBZ/rwdNak7qofKPBDDCj8Bc2b54doM3DxqyXHoVEig+a7x7ro1pEwxjRIPkTkbjpQra6rgDizJPeEktNo3zTACn+x97HsYTy4TQsc3plYP+s6xrmF

Learn Marketing.net. (2011). Service Marketing Mix/Extended Marketing Mix (reference). Retrieved from Learn Marketing.net: http://www.learnmarketing.net/servicemarketingmix.htm

Neron , D. (2/21/2011 4:39:21 PM ). RE: DavisF_M7_A1; P is for Marketing. Retrieved from http://myeclassonline.com/re/DotNextLaunch.asp?courseid=4784110&userid=6665306&sessionid=4db03ef5c5&tabid=+VGS/AICMKwO/q8E2O3liV8lxG2XGP8rLzQd9EZNlQjkqElUcsN/Il5YT+CUoiHtoV/tgJVTar42lR+/ZnV8MCovjB5klLNWVOOQ/ujgTMqk4pzqbAgE5bUq1LaemxAq/w3a/kLlhPgaUWJHNhwjew==&macid=vMC664cUyuhamomeBXeRiYCRjzNw6a5pvm/pws8+VtOqEPHxBLKWN623hZgr5IgrIpfvYPw7TlXQZM5ZkocFydrHbXhjcEr2IwvEGnDZrnOTnQ33IEQ8naeyoMffNg2N43AuowdOQRso8wYhjGx/Qlmsi1ZbNJ3po+lhDHUmwwi6XyQgcVDtqLGXGU2uTkeuXwqfHPmiemkS3cqBZ/rwdNak7qofKPBDDCj8Bc2b54doM3DxqyXHoVEig+a7x7ro1pEwxjRIPkTkbjpQra6rgDizJPeEktNo3zTACn+x97HsYTy4TQsc3plYP+s6xrmF

Speak , K. D., & Hanson , G. (2008, April 1). Brand Inside Meets Brand Outside (pdf article). Retrieved from : http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=6&sqi=2&ved=0CD8QFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.brandtoolbox.com%2Farticles%2FKarl_Gil_Links.pdf&ei=hjxZTe7OPIOEtgfmvrykDQ&usg=AFQjCNFvCGlaC1eBFHBhbxJ0NkeD4ya-Tg&sig2=wcBEnSUhDFVeagGbHHYyIQ

Tracy, B. (2004, May 17). The 7 Ps of Marketing; Take charge of your marketing efforts and beat the competition with this simple formula. . Entrepreneur. Retrieved from http://www.entrepreneur.com/marketing/article70824.html

netMBA. (). The Marketing Mix (the 4 P’s of Marketing) (reference). Retrieved from netMBA.com: http://www.netmba.com/marketing/mix/

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