In an initial foray to begin exposing myself to this specific material I happened upon an online article: Developing Your Marketing Focus, by Elizabeth R. Whelan.
Right out of the gate she acknowledges trending all that produces income and distilling the numbers. She then affords some nice questions to reassess the various focuses of the business. After such a reassessment, if a re-vamp is in order, she then suggests including “your team”.
This is all valuable, academic information for an established firm or studio (yet nonetheless echoes what might be a model for the entrepreneurial practitioner). However, the calculation guides from the Missouri Business Development Program website for overhead, pricing and their percentages would prove valuable even for someone first starting out. The organic nature of re-assessment and trending is a useful admonition of effort to begin integrating. And the willingness to not be allergic to numbers is a welcome left brain activity, usually dropped out from right brain conversations.
Elizabeth R. Whelan
Martha's Vineyard, MA
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