Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Arts funding IS jobs funding." by Jeffrey E. Salzberg

I usually don’t comment on the performing arts. Mr. Salzberg is a theatrical painter of lighting (and, from the clippings, quite accomplished at it) from Vermont. That’s not to say I don’t pay attention. And sometimes there are implications for all the arts in another arena. Such is the case here.

On Saturday, September 18, 2010 (at 8:08am, dontcha just love the Modern Age) – Mr. S posted to his facebook page the following article (which brought him to my attention): Arts Jobs Are Jobs, Too.

He makes some brilliant points, how the arts get dismissed from every angle being the primary of two significant threads. And it is a point that needs to be made more, a point that needs to sink in.

Within a few weeks he garnered over 50 “likes” and about the same number of comments. This tells me two things: [a] he struck a nerve, and [b] there was more content to read! …and there was. There were a number of perspectives put forth on how to be proactive to counter the dismissive arts position. Chief among these was to become politically active, with data to back yourself up (the numbers are on our side)!

The following three links, in order, are Jeff’s homepage, the article I spoke of and an example of how the arts and politics recently danced in Toronto. Please, at least read his brief, passionate and thoughtful post.


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