Friday, June 17, 2011

A Qualitative Research Literature Review [5 of 5]


Creswell's five approaches is a (perhaps the) comprehensive work on qualitative research, written in such a way to assure the organic qualities and nature of such projects. The work’s structure supports its readability.

Creswell, J. (2006). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design : Choosing Among Five Approaches (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

This writer still questions this work by Heimtun. As a single overseas eating, "alone" this writer never had an issue. Certainly, this writers experience did not carry with it emotional baggage, let alone loneliness, under similar circumstances. Granted, I am a man, but then again so too is this article's author (who, curiously, is only dealing with women).

Heimtun, B. (2010). The holiday meal: eating out alone and mobile emotional geographies. (Qualitative research (grounded theory). ISSN: 02614367). Retrieved from Argosy University Library databases:

If there is a quintessential mystery as regards the creative process in relationship to culinary experiences, then this is smart and highly readable article solves that mystery (this writer was so impressed he forwarded a copy to his wife, sister and mother).

Horng, J., & Hu, M. (2008). The Mystery in the Kitchen: Culinary Creativity. (Qualitative research (grounded theory). ISSN: 10400419). Retrieved from Argosy University Library databases:

Despite not having a personal experience of learning anything new, something as academic as the deconstruction of the current ethanol supply chain in the United States seem to brightly put together; and now I know.

Russell, D. M., Ruamsook, K., & Thomchick, E. (2009). Ethanol and the Petroleum Supply Chain of the Future: Five Strategic Priorities of Integration. (Qualitative research (grounded theory). ISSN: 00411612). Retrieved from Argosy University Library databases:

Mses Scarborough and Luke did an excellent job of collecting all the related research, synthesizing it into a sort of background fabric against which all other good effort seems to do little more than confirm presumptions.

Scarborough, J. L., & Luke, M. (2008). School Counselors Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk: A Grounded Theory of Effective Program Implementation. (Qualitative research (grounded theory). ISSN: 10962409). Retrieved from Argosy University Library databases:

No one can claim in sensitivity on the part of Ms. Williams. Although I hunger for other collection methodologies, she did they really count (and code) the variety of books (the collection of which had its own pros and cons in being a relatively stable collection).

Williams, L. M. (2008). Book Selections of Economically Disadvantaged Black Elementary Students. (Qualitative research (grounded theory). ISSN: 00220671). Retrieved from Argosy University Library databases:

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