Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the “Silent Language" of EU Business [3of3]


If one has not noticed the idea already, let me be plain: all the ramifications of multicultural interaction are replete with distinctions, both gross and subtle; from silly to dangerous and that it is a lot of work. For those like this writer, a fascination with other cultures affords a study at a distance. However, at its hard-core, there are road warriors, who are constantly polishing an “A-game”, and while they are often well compensated, the silent language skill set is not the only one that they are constantly looking to develop. For those looking at a distance, assigning the meaning of glamour, this travel is rarely tourism.

Assimilating other cultures, however, is rewarding, and worthy of pursuit for its own sake. Analogous to making a child smile, showing a perfect stranger in his or her own country that you have taken whatever steps necessary to do the right thing is a gift of honor. Do not be surprised if that stranger gives you a smile in return.

Appendix 1

Countries of Europe, and their Relationship to the EU


Appendix 2

Appendix 3


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